Why is it that we spend 4 years minimum in a "higher" learning institution trying to get the best grades possible, half of us not sure of the words we're spewing on paper as we've crammed the whole course not bothering to understand but to pass, only for us to hold the degree in our hands, promising ourselves that we can now get ourselves nice apartments downtown, a "flashies" cars and of course shopping sprees that last a life time. But then, we start to apply for jobs, and every job that we think we might want, demands experience from us. Get this, they ask you to finish school and have experience at the same time, but they never tell you where to go to get this experience.
After getting turned down by almost every company that ever had a job opening, someone decides to give you an opportunity or you probably lied your way to the job. You're excited not knowing what to hope for, you're reading all your textbooks looking for clues as to what it is a "financial analyst" is expected to do.
Cut to 6 months later, a friend asks you what exactly it is that you do, and you respond with I HAVE NO IDEA. So tell me, why the hell is it that everyone requires prior training and experience from you if they expect to train you on everything you need to know, and sometimes expect you to do what you do not know you're doing. My last job went through plenty protocol, they needed Customer Service Experience, knowledge of computersystems, the interviewer asked questions about providing technical support, I got the job, and they trained me for 7 weeks on what it was that I was expected to do. Half the people that got on the floor, didn't know shyt, half the time the "newbies" were the bane of my existence because I knew too much, and part of what really made me hate the job was the fact that a CSR had the shrievelled balls to tell me to stop reading a script, I had gone 4 levels above my "scope of support" I just put him on hold and transferred him to my rude supervisor who told him in a thick "Indian" accent to go fuck himself, more or less... LAWL.
Ah. Oh well, I love my new job, I'm gaining a lot of experience and exposure from the job and my boss rocks, my whole team consists of the coolest people ever, they're very helpful and when I ask what am supposed to do, they laugh and say they don't even know what they do and I feel at ease but I was promised a fast paced high pressured environment and all I get is chill? I'm pissed and I keep complaining to the director and she keeps promising me that work will come and stress would be involved, I smile when I hear that so am still waiting for the busyness and well am hopeful, starting to give up cos its been like 3 weeks?????
Oh well.

That being said, I wanted to talk to you about Sharon. I love Sharon, Ok Love is a strong word but me and Sharon sort of started to get serious about 2 weeks ago, I did Sharon like twice that week, she was fantastic, I used to talk about her to my friends way back when I didn't know her and all, I talked about how she has a perpetual smile and worth not, but men, the girl wears you out and she still has a huge smile on her face like she could go on for hours. Thirty minutes in the morning is all the free time I can handle but whatever it is that she makes me do, WORKS! I mean the other day I wore a shirt that was tight at the arms like 3 weeks ago and it was loose, my shirts from the winter fall off my shoulders, and well, I told myself I was low carbing but I've had off days when I binged on rice and oh, Naijadude cooked jollof rice and chicken one time and forced me to eat it, but even after that, my pants are still threatening to fall off my arse.
Sharon Mann's Body Tech is the greatest and I think I'll invest more days a week into it, I'm so not a gym person, threadmills suck and when you lift weight without cardio, I don't know about the rest of the world but I just feel silly. And the best part of Sharon other than the smiles I get when she makes me do unthinkable things is that its FREE on telly, so I basically roll out of bed, match myself to the living room, commit my 30 minutes sin 3 days a week and get it off my plate. I only hope am able to keep it up :)

I hate CAB DRIVERS! Today, I realized I'd be late for work if I took the TTC so I hopped in a cab, on a good day heading downtown shouldn't take more than 7 minutes, traffic lights and all, but then the driver started to do 30km/h on a 50km/h road with no traffic. First block I didn't say shit, second block, I Sighed, then I noticed he was slowing down so the lights would catch him, by the time I got to Chruch and Dundas, I couldn't hold myself, so I told the man straight up that I didn't take the cab for the convenience but the speed and if he wasn't sure of the speed limit on the road, he might as well quit being a cabbie and work at Maccydz.
I'm not a bitchy person by nature, I know the guy probably used to be a medical Doctor in Bangaladesh, and I really was going for nice, but he was trying to make an extra loonie off me, the money that I would have given him as tip, Oh well....These things happen right?

I wonder if anyone is following the UNDER 20 soccer games, well Canada is currently playing AUSTRIA and to be honest, its not looking gud from where I'm seating, I mean Chile slapped us 2-0 on our own Canada day. EHN? Who scheduled the match and when they did why didn't they bribe the Chilean team? Ah. Ok. Well Nigeria is doing gud am proud of them, they beat Costa Rica and Scotland and they are playing Japan on Saturday. If you have not seen the Japanese team in action you won't understand but I AM AFRAID. So not a big fan of any form of sports but my sister drove us to Suya Spot and I was enjoying th company which was how I saw the Japenese team, the people are good, Bee and his brothers were making comments like them Japanese team were being controlled by Ninetendo Wii thats how good they looked out there, and the Nigerian team, well, you know, they could be better. I hope they at least tie with Japenese if they don't the Japanese team, and I'll try to watch the game as well.

My birthday is coming up, am delighted, not quite, since I turned 12 and my dad forgot about my birthday and my mum travelled without me and the maid had no money and I literarily had to buy myself a birthday card and cried myself to sleep, I cried every year on my birthday, I'm not sure why I did but I usually did. Until Last year, last year was a "champagne" celebration for me, I planned a cool b'day for myself, had a little party at the rooftop, it was OFF THE CHAINS. Had friends from work talking about it for days, the idiots that were feeling too cool to show up suddenly were wondering why I didn't remind them....AWON O to the D to the E. The party rocked, my girls were like dressed to impress, the bartender Jess was FANTASTIC, she actually took a cab home to empty out her liqueur cabinet just for me, awesomeness. And of course my dad gave me money for which I didn't thank him, blame MICROSOFT for that one, I wrote a nice long email, pressed send, the thing refreshed the page and I just walked off. (I did him wrong, I apologize but I never stopped feeling guilty about that).
So this year is a challenge for me, I wanted a beach thing but someone is already having one the week after and unfortunately for me, Suzan and I are friends with the girl and we also have common friends with her, it'll be like 2 beach parties in a roll. And Theo has been mixing major techno jamz for me, dang. Its a tough one, but I think I'll just ask suya spot to use their "lounge" get a karaoke machine and seek out a Karaoke machine, get a liquour licence and tell my peepz, SUYA n BUZZ and see where that leads us. I actually do hate celebrating my birthday, infact the year I turned 20, I celebrated it as my 19th birthday, and asked that all my cards and gifts say "HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY". I felt warm and fuzzy on the inside, and this year I'll ask strictly for moneyholder cards, no gifts, no YOU'RE ** years, simple a plain card, nothing on the outside or inside, and well MONEY :)


Afolabi said...

hey watsup, how was ur day, saw n I'm finally here in peg city...n it's cool

Anonymous said...

wow!u do write well o

laspapi said...

ok, that was a long but nice one, mamarita.

I like your work-mates already.

Mamarita said...

Afolabi; :)
Pink Satin; Thanks
Laspapi; thanks, I like my work people a lot too